Monday, February 28, 2011

How Climate Change Affects Our Health

MANILA, Philippines – Glaciers are melting, sea level is rising and severe storms are becoming more frequent. These are some of the effects of climate change brought about by carbon that humans let loose in the atmosphere, mostly from fuels burned to run cars, trucks and power plants.

More and more people continue to learn about the devastation brought about by climate change, including adaptation and mitigation strategies. Unfortunately, not enough is being said about the health effects of climate change.
Climate change is the greatest threat to global health in this century. It is not just an environmental issue
but also a health issue.

Cost of avoiding climate change
An advanced country’s estimate is one to two percent of annual world gross domestic product if we do everything to reduce carbon emissions to adapt to climate change. On the other hand, if we do nothing, it will cost us five to 20 percent of world gross domestic product yearly in health costs.
The earth’s average surface temperature is most likely to rise exceeding the safe level of 2°C above preindustrial average temperature. A 0.76°C rise has already occurred, and a severe 3-4°C rise is foreseen at the rate we generate carbon emissions.
Climate change will affect our health through changing patterns of disease, availability of food and water. Buildings and communities are not designed to cope with climate change. There is a crying need for reforestation, disaster risk assessment and community mobilization.

By Amado de Jesus
Philippine Daily Inquirer

If you want to see more...


  1. We are hurting ourselves also by the carbon we are letting out by driving our cars on a regular basis... Someone should definitely do something and start inventing some oil that we could use instead of gas because we are really hurting the air we breathe and for sure in a few years we are going to have difficulties dealing with that.

    Sebastian Alcalde

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. When humans release carbon into the atmosphere, it leads to glaciers melting, floods and more thunderstorms. Humans need to start helping the environment in order to prevent problems with our health and the climate. Some things that can be done are trying to carpool, stop the use of fuels and many more things can be done to help the ozone layer and ourselves.

    -Nicole Yero

  4. I just finish reading this article and is a scary, how many thing can change that will affect our health. Start with heat waves or diseases you can get with temperature ricing, or even the most basic need shortage of food that is juts insane, we should really start making some changes and do something about this huge problem. I think maybe the government should really, get strict on factories with their maintenances and filters, to clean the smoke that goes in to the sky. Another things is maybe try to change the ways cars work, so they won’t release so much toxic gas/smoke. This is not something that will happen from one day to another, but we got to start now or we might not have a future.

    Alejandro Muniz
